Billy Smith

- Mr.J. Pat Burleson’s Texas State Karat<” Championship and AK_BBA Tournament
- George Minshew’s Karate Olympics
- Allen Steen’s U. S. A. Open Championship and Dallas Regional Tournament
- Joe Alvarado’s Austin Tournan1f’nl
- Jack Hwang’s Oklahoma Tournament
- Jose Santa Maria-Killeen Texas
- Ernie(Radar)Smith’s Alexandria Louisiana
Major Achievements:
- Master’s Hall of Fame’-2012
- U.S.A. Hall of Fame -2014 and 2015
- Universal Hall of Fame-2015
- Receiving 10th Degree Promotion-2019
- Instructor of the Year
- Dojo of the Year
- Joe Lewis Fighter within a Fighter
Personal Achievements:
Journeyman Carpenter, Warehouseman, Fork ift Operator and Instructor, Licensed C.D.L. Driver, Plumbers Helper and Electrician’s Helper.
In their own words…..
As a child my family moved around a lot. I was always the new kid on the block. I was always having to fight. I did pretty god, but was always afraid. W11en I was 20 years old I was invited to a Karate Demonstration put on by J. Pat Burleson. That was a huge influence for the rest of my life. I then started watching Billy Jack, Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris movies. I have trained in TaeKwonDo and American Karate. My Instructor Bily R. Brammer was trained in Shotokan, Isshinru and Tae Kwon Do, so I was highly influenced by his teaching. Trained a little inJuJitsu.
The martial arts helped me to not be fearful. I realized that no one should be a victim or afraid. It has let me meet some of the most wonderful people. Martial Arts has been responsible for some of my lifelong friends and Martial Arts Family.
Martial Arts has given me great confidence. I am able to approach situations knowing that I can handle what ever comes up. I am able to speak to large crowds without blinking an eye.

Billy Smith & Wife
I continue to teach and pass along the knowledge and confidence I have gained. I try to live the Golden Rule, to treat everyone the way that I want to be treated. Kindness and compassion in my classes and in tournament situations go a long way to enhance people’s lives in a positive manner.
Confidence, courage, discipline, honor and integrity are things I have learned through the martial arts. I learned through my own experiences and by observing these qualities in some very fine people.
I have taught several seminars at some of my colleagues’ schools, including defensive counters and stretching exercises to improve flexibility. I have taught Anti-bullying classes and Stranger Danger classes at area elementary schools, and I have held several Women’s Only Self Defense classes and given demonstrations at our local Lion’s Club, Rotary Club, and Boy Scouts. I have even done demonstrations at theaters. I have hosted several business workshops at my school. I was honored to have George and Chris Minshew teach their business plan. I was also able to attend Tony Lopez’s business seminar. I have had several Martial Arts Seminars at my school with Phil Wilemon teaching fighting techniques and James Stevenson teaching sweeps and take-downs. I have been honored with special guests Frank Dux and Gary Lee. I have also been honored to have my friend Jami Cashion sit on several of my Belt Tests.